EmTech Experts
Not only are we highly knowledgeable about that new technology you just heard about, we’ve probably been passionate and avid users of it! We’re the kind of early adopters that compulsively try new tools, but not the kind of early adopter that insists upon using new tools for the sake of using new tools.
Full ICO Management
Fractional C-suite
A fractional C-suite is the perfect solution to help navigate issues that might pop up during the development of a product or service, and it’s great if you only need an executive once or twice a week and not every day.
Partners & Clients

Rapid Report on the Bitcoin Blockchain’s Environmental Impact
This week, there's been a wildly incorrect report on the ecological impact of running the world's Bitcoin mining machine, promulgated primarily by one digital researcher and one columnist over at Vice's Motherboard. Our CEO, Mark "Rizzn" Hopkins, has tracked the...
We’re doubling down on Cognitive.
We've been busy this quarter. Those following our adventures at the Wilco Group Agency will know we are working with our friends at Robokind as well as with IBM’s Watson on an exciting, cutting-edge integration. Through our professional relationships and our breadth...
How to Securely Liquidate Your Bitcoin Cash
The Wilco Group Agency has issued a report titled How to Obtain & Convert Your “Bitcoin Cash”, commissioned by bitqyck, Inc, which reveals that there is “an overbearing elephant in the room of this amazing technology called Bitcoin: ridiculously long transaction...